工程技术人员和技术人员是注重应用的重要团队成员 工程和技术的解决方案,而工程师侧重于理论思维. They work with engineers, designers, planners and architects.
工程专业毕业生为开放式、 complex and unique design problems. The field usually calls for at least a master's degree and coursework includes plenty of higher math.
工程技术毕业生运用当前的知识和实践来解决问题 specific technical problems and standard design problems. New graduates most likely 从事建筑、产品设计、开发、测试、技术操作等行业; technical services or sales.
Architectural engineering technicians 运用工程原理和技术技能开发高效的建筑 以及相关系统,如照明和通信系统.
Civil engineering technicians 协助规划、设计和监督高效结构的建造和维护 设施包括摩天大楼、桥梁、道路和基础设施. They work 用钢、木、混凝土、土以及先进的建筑材料.
Courses: CADD,结构设计,物理,地理信息系统(GIS),商业 and residential architecture, surveying
19 - 21 credit hour certificate.
Courses: Revit、钢结构设计、CADD、采暖通风空调、
Computer and Electronics technicians 帮助设计,建造和生产计算机化的电子设备,并创造下一个 generation of electronic devices. They lay out, build, test and increase the efficiency of electronic components of devices and systems.
您将学习故障排除,维修和修改开发和生产电子 和他们的系统,并开发硬件和软件的强大的知识和如何 the two interact.
Courses: 编程、CADD、电子学、硬件、交流与数字分析、数字电子学、 数据结构和算法分析,可编程逻辑控制器.
Drafting and design professionals 使用CADD程序为建筑制作生产图纸和插图 and engineering firms. 他们帮助设计建筑结构、土木工程和机械工程 and manufacturing processes.
In our program,你将学习如何渲染各种各样的技术系统、机器和产品, 从视觉上解释概念,并与工程师一起将想法具体化.
您将学习起草和设计许多项目,包括建筑设计,建筑 信息建模和测量除了学习工程制图和 多种计算机辅助制图和设计软件包.
Our degree program 涵盖三个CADD程序和参数化建模加上建筑课程, 机械设计、土木设计、图纸阅读和通识教育课程的学习 a degree and transfer for a four-year degree.
Our 17-19 credit-hour certificate program covers the three CADD programs and parametric modeling.
The Black & 威奇奖学金提供给计算机辅助专业的学生 Drafting and Design. Recipients will be considered part of the Black & Veatch Scholars Program.
在整个学年,奖学金获得者将收到专业的邀请 发展和社交活动,以及与布莱克一起指导的机会 & Veatch professionals. Connect with your advisor to learn more about eligibility requirements.
机械工程技术涉及过去、现在和未来的所有技术. 他们帮助修改、开发和测试机器和设备,并参与研究, test, development or production.
你将学习运用理论和原理来解决工业布局问题 and manufacturing production; study and record time, motion, method and speed to improve the performance of production; establish standard production rates and improve efficiency.
Courses: CADD,结构设计,物理,参数化建模,机械加工,计算机数值 control (CNC), Mastercam.
机电工程技术人员操作,测试和维护无人驾驶,自动化, servomechanical, or electromechanical equipment. They may also assist engineers in testing and designing robotics equipment.
Courses: 发明家,工业电气,印刷电气阅读,健康安全为本 construction, statics, machine design, motor controls
作为一名工程技术人员、绘图员或设计师,你会在这些公司找到工作 as Black & Veatch, BlueScope Construction, Burns & McDonnell, Olsson, BSE Structural Engineers and more.
Visit Occupational Information Network (O*NET) 查看所需薪资信息、就业前景和个人特征
for this career.
解决复杂问题,阅读理解,批判性思维,数学和复杂 problem solving are essential skills of those in this field
That's why we're experts at it. 我们已经与许多四年制学院和大学制定了具体的转学协议.
Check with one of our advisors 与密苏里西部州立大学的转让信息和协议 中密苏里大学和德瑞大学的学生.S. degree programs in Engineering Technology.